1. on necessity and unnecessity ; a prelude

in describing a [body of] work, the number of words gifted (if decipherable) are 1.f 2.e 3.w 4. 5. 6. 7. l with the a{[i]}m to avoid a f u in focus x out or of it. anxious **but words are just as anxious as the spaces they inhabit** anxious perhaps, as other, you are c[u]r[i]o[us] ; how is meaning assigned to correctly arranged symbols which are further assigned corresponding sounds. does >this< make sense ? does any “thing” make sense ? to you /other/

2. attention is not t/here necessitous

where the afore considered work may/may-not/ reside is in definite. deciding upon such fates would be in consequential as site, if any, is as yet un[kn own]. once you arri(lea)ve: keep the

3. a cartographic guide is un[known] / un[neglected]

you may find [have found] your[self] re;turnedre;turned per tinaciously, per sistent ly, to a juncture. you [may] consider the work [or its lack] c r o s to be at a crossroads ; r a ; o a or the space d within a s doorframe how you arrived is equally [un]certain. as directions, derivations and their descent is [un]naturally [un]known and thus [in]discernible.

4. to look is, perhaps, not necessarily to see

the hierarchy of si/ght/te, sound and the sensorial is delimitated. s t you /subjective/ a /objective/ n do not know where you stand in reception to that which does or does not exist in reception to /subjective/ /objective/ you.

5. while [ space ] is a void it does not present lack

[ absence ] swallows ; and as it salivates you might /find/ /lose/ -your-self- s w i m m i n g ; on the c u
s p of {re} surface {ing} objects reflecting back (at/with/in_spite_of) you they [matter] hi
nder halt hamper |door closes| **a matter & and to matter{ing} are not the same**

6. thus corporeity cannot be king ; anymore

the ‘object’ needs to be dethroned, matter taken from its p e destal your body [instinctive] becomes the baro
meter that negotiates the [im]material properties of the s p a c e s between what is and what is not.

7. ;

need do y(our) questions have answers . {[?]} want want have need {[?]}